Meet first
I come by during the pregnancy for a first intake. I think it is important to be aware of my health situation, family situation, wishes and expectations. This way we can make good agreements. That means no strange sight during the delivery or after returning home from the hospital. In this way I am optimally prepared and I ensure the most comfortable maternity period possible.
2 months before the delivery, clients receive a second intake that takes place by telephone to go through everything and answer possible questions.
For questions I am always available for clients via whatsapp
The same maternity nurse throughout the maternity period Assistance with home birth
Standard 49 hours of maternity care, spread over eight days. Possibility of more maternity care hours when needed. This is always in consultation with the midwife
A statutory personal contribution of € 4.60 per hour, see the policy of your health insurance.
I am available 24 hours a day. If I am unexpectedly unable to attend, I will arrange for a replacement.
Evening care until 19:00
During a home birth, I support the maternity woman and assist the midwife.
I would like to be informed as soon as the first contractions start, so that I can make my preparations.
The moment the midwife indicates that the maternity nurse can come, I will come immediately (Maximum 1 hour travel time).
In case of changes, please keep me informed.
Please contact me by phone if the contractions start and/or the waters are broken.